Sunday, 5 May 2013

So little time

I have not blogged for a while due to not having much time spare, but I shall blog as I have done no less than 11 gigs since my last blog, some were good, some awful, some I died, some I did well & one of the 11 has been my favourite gig thus far even eclipsing the slimming world one.

So to keep an update of what is to come I have done

World of comedy:- Blackburn
Pigeon Hole :- Leeds
Mayan comedy :- Bolton
Help for heroes charity gig :- Birmingham
Polly B's comedy :- Clapham London
Portion of quips :- Pudsey Leeds
Hot water :- Liverpool
Cask corner comedy :- Doncaster
CAN comedy :- west Bromwich
Shirley comedy club :- Shirley Birmingham
NuVar comedy :- Newcastle

I have also been reviewing myself and figuring things out, I am always open about what I am doing as secrets are pointless in this world as most comedians have a bitchy streak that is born out of their own insecurities (or so I believe) a lot of comedians only have this in tiny doses though and generally it's a supportive friendly environment. So this is why I have approached 2 very strong writers of comedy and asked for assistance writing my set to move forward with.
Assistance the key word, I don't expect things to be written for me (well not in full anyway but jokes and or concepts that suit me are what I'm seeking assistance with)
So there is that project going on along with my hunger to progress. I now feel I'm starting to get to a position where everything on stage flows organically and with a slight swagger of confidence that actually isn't really there. My aim to learn to be a comedian with materiel that would never be considered well written but is at least getting laughs is showing dividends at last. I feel I'm ready now to move up a gear and write some meatier stuff while cramming more funny into what I have. Trimming the fat would help too but I'm a story teller so there will always be some slightly convoluted bits to my stuff.

I mentioned in a past blog how I felt I did not fit a type that Leeds gigs book (but then was asked to fill a drop out at pigeon hole as I was being considered by them anyway which is nice) but I feel now like I can perform for any night with belief... Soon with strong materiel too.
My attack on the comedy world is draining a lot of my energy but I am determined to keep going and get the result I require... Regular paid work.

Check back soon for the blog detailing the last 11 gigs

My next gig is fox and newt Leeds for Chortle Kombat