Thursday, 15 March 2012

Intro to my Blogging

I have decided as I am at the beginning of something new, namely being an attempt to become a comedian, I say attempt as I will not call myself a comedian until I am being paid for my comedy but digression aside I am now also going to write a blog, i chose to call it Jim's journey as i thought that sounds good... it sounds daft! but the journey in question is more my journey through life, cheesy i know.
Being 32 I am possible just getting my mid life crisis out of the way early and as I can’t afford a Porche and chasing teenage girls is just wrong for someone my age I have turned to becoming a blogger, tweeter and I phone app user.
These things may not help me in my journey through life but perhaps they will through my journey into comedy.
I will largely blog about this I imagine, but to be honest I have no idea what I’ll feel the need to share in the future, the difference between now and a few months ago is I am going to share my thoughts rather than be the quiet shy guy that struggles to impose myself in social situations,

I would 1stly like to talk about becoming a comedian,…. Why?? I have no political agenda, I have no brilliant stories I feel must be shared, I am not told repeatedly that im funny.. In fact im often told im not funny and should stop trying!!
The reason I want to try comedy is innocent maybe naive in that I just want to make people laugh and for them to like me.
It sounds quite pathetic really…LIKE ME LIKE ME LIKE ME, not everyone will like you whoever you are but if you are a person who does not take yourself too seriously and can make someone else laugh and smile then great, being liked iis hopefully a by-product I’m more concerned the people that count, family ect, love me than the general public but being liked is quite key for being a comedian otherwise you wont go far. the fact that I can lie in till midday if I was a pro comedian (I think) also appeals.

I took a writing course, it was a Day course and was as much about attitude and confidence as it was generating materiel. It was a one day course and at the end we got to present to the rest of the group some of the days work as a set, I was truly woeful but the buzz of being up there was amazing even if I was in front of only 6 people!

I had to follow this up, I had to write and get back on stage ASAP, I began thinking about things in life that I had dismissed as embarrassing and weather or not I could make a set out of them??
I was so looking forward to 26th Feb 2012 when the people of the course would re convene and showcase what they had written in front of an audience of friends and family, sadly this was postponed.
I had written my set to be fairly cheesy punch line heavy, just as a start to build confidence… but I had nowhere to perform it, well I did I just didn’t realise at 1st, it was at a place called Mr Bens comedy club in Leeds, they run a gong show which is for new acts to try and last 5 mins in front of an audience that have the power to gong them off if the act is bad… I mean really bad as some quite bad acts have survived the gong when I have been in the audience. I managed to get on the bill for Monday 5th March, excitement much!!!!
More on that to follow

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