I'm beginning to trust my set at the moment which is huge step forward for me, i'm under no illusion that i'm suddenly a great act but with each gig and each subsequent blog i feel a touch more confident that i can really turn my set into a solid 20 mins that would work for a club crowd. I am not however sure if can ever become a decent MC so to be invited to MC in Hull was both a pleasure and a challenge for me. This gig would also officially become my 1st paid gig, i have had expenses at a couple but this was a small profit so i would have to earn it and not let them down.
Jed Salisbury booked me, i hadn't gigged with him for a while and was looking forward to seeing him in action again as he is one of my favourite acts at the moment.
So i set of to Hull in the Yorkshire sunshine mulling over in my head how much of my set i will need and how much will be crowd work. there are a few basic rules to MCing that i know of, rules like have lots of energy, talk to the audience and bring them in to the night, explain the laws of comedy and really just make sure each act is coming on to a warm reception.
Ideas popped in and out of my head during the journey of things i could use to improv from and ways i could engage with the Hull crowd, i tried scrawling some of the ideas down on a bit of scrap paper while driving but that proved fruitless as the notes were barely legible when i finally got to read them.
When i arrived in Hull i was greeted by Jed and event organiser (i think) Steve, they explained the charity bit i would need to do and how the night would run as well as general chit chat while waiting for the band to finish. I bought myself a drink (energy drink of course) and sat down pondering my approach. Things were running through my head at a million miles an hour (say this, try that, do the other) but my early gig nerves that i used to get were no where near as strong, i was still nervous of course (because inside my head is a car crash of self doubt) but the obvious fear like sweaty pits, shaking and standing cross legged cos i need to pee are al gone and on to the stage i went (i'm lying as there was no stage)
I started off by essentially talking bollocks at a bemused crowd for about 3 or 4 mins, the place was full with only standing room at the back and they were all sat attentively listening to me. I knew i was not starting well but the trick was to keep cool and not let them know i knew which seemed to work as i began to get a reaction from them. sensing i was getting somewhere i went though the big Julie routine..... yeah bit early in the night for tales of buggery but i figured i would get an idea of the level in the room for the acts who were following me on. It seemed to go well and after about 10 mins (i think) MCing i got Adam Rushton on stage.
Adam was opening with a 20 min spot and he went on stage with confidence and an almost casual sense that he would be liked, and why not? he continued in an MC format for a moment further working the Audience before moving into his set which includes a great Tv license story. Adam was warmly applauded by the crowd as he left the stage and we went into 1st break.
2nd section and i just leapt in with jokes from my set mixed in with a bit of chatting with the crowd and highlighting one of my more bizarre twitter followers as i winged it. I wound up doing 8 mins so i had overdone my time and had to get Rich Austin on, and what a great set from Rich, he stormed through his 1st 5 mins as every joke landed having the audience in tears, all this while maintaining a real dead pan style. it was great fun watching the crowds laughter from my vantage point. it seemed his set ended too early as he was cheered from all corners at the end. next on was Katy Truelove doing just a short spot, she was quick to turn up the filthometer and was working it well. Katy ended with a poem that had everyone joining in and filling in the odd blank, she delivered her set nicely although afterwards claimed she had messed up (but i dont think anyone except her knew this)
Another short break and it was time for the headline act, there was no more time for me to ramble on so i rapidly brought Jed to the stage (again i lie when i say stage)
Jed was in tip top form tonight, he ripped the room apart from beginning to end of his set which included new bits or bits i have not head before. Jed's delivery was perfect his energy was infectious and his timing to a tee, i have not seen him this on form before (Hi Jed, i suspect he will be reading and i would have written this anyway) one of the jokes (sadly i forget which one) had one girl at the back of the room literally crying with laughter! an awesome end to yet another great gig in Hull.
Next for me Southport
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