Sunday, 23 September 2012

In the middle of a shit spell Gigs58-60

My last blog told the tale of a trip to Dronfield that did not go well, then I left you with the note I had just done Lawrence Batley Theatre new Yorkshire act of the year gig, this went better (more on that in a moment) but I have since done two other gigs that have been poor, and on reflection this means I have been right in the middle of a shit spell for a while! I struggled at Burscough gig52, died at Mr Bens gig 53 had an indifferent gig in Bolton gig 54 Dronfeild was gig 57 then gigs 59 and 60 were horror shows too as you will read shortly. So I really need to get a hold of myself and figure out where I’m going wrong at the moment. I could make excuses… I’m homeless at the moment as buying a house and being kicked out of the rented house I lived in are not seamlessly running side by side. All my life is in boxes and I’m crammed in between 2 houses living with a combination of 9 people and 2 dogs (which I am allergic to!) oh and my new job is basically dealing with complaints all day… people moaning like hell because they cant buy a handbag!!! But I cant blame those things really, I need to rise above it. If I want to make comedy my job I need to learn to be better so I will have a long hard look at myself!

So the gigs, Well as mentioned Huddersfield went well. It was a last minute gig booking so while there is the distinction of the title of the gig I had done nothing to earn my place. Damion Larkin would mc a strong line up that boasted Simon D Heaven, Steve Goodall, Sir Dickie Benson, Amy Gledhill, Tom Taylor, Nick Parry, Glen Moore and myself. 1st place would be £100, 2nd and 3rd place tickets to a pro show and a podium spot. The audience took a bit of warming up making it difficult for 1st act Simon to get momentum but he did great followed by eventual winner Steve Goodall. Steve I have to say is a superb act and a lovely guy and I’m so pleased to see him getting recognition. I felt all the acts on the night did great, I particularly enjoyed Sir Dickie Benson, especially when he smacked a 16 yr old audience member in the mouth with the mic!. I had a good time up there on a lovely stage to a friendly crowd and came in 2nd. It was also great to have support and feedback from an experienced act such as MC Damion who offered to give me details from the judges on facebook… invaluable.

From there I went on to gig 59 at Doncaster Uni. Another great line up and thanks to Gareth Urwin for booking me and also doing a fantastic job as MC despite a lay off from comedy. The gig was just a 1 off and was for the freshers or so I thought but I was expecting a room full of rowdy teenagers but it was more subdued and had older guys who worked on the campus mixed in with the 6 or 7 freshers. Laughter was muted but Adam Rushton and Steve Goodall  did superb as did Sam Brady and Kate Mccabe, in fact it was only I who struggled, granted I was doing new stuff but it was my older stuff that died! I enjoyed performing my new bit and that seemed to go ok despite my worry it is too similar to Rhod Gilberts style. But in front of 3 comedy bookers (Sam Brady, Gareth Urwin and the fantastic headline who has booked me last 2 gigs in Anthony J Brown) I was ashamed to do so badly. I’ll be honest I was surprised too, I had begun to have faith in my jokes even if I don’t like how hacky my topics are it really caught me out to get nothing, I looked at a girl who Gareth had chatted with called Hannah, she sat stony faced arms folded, I looked round the rest of the room.. stony faces… I did not expect this!
I would have to put it behind me and move on to better performances, little did I know it was to get worse!

Gig 60 back at a Spikey Mike gong show, I really wanted to do well and impress Spikey Mike so I could get a 10 spot somewhere, I was bringing my new material along for the ride and I felt confident although tired from a long week. Thankfully I would not have to drive for once as Daniel J Kennedy would take that responsibility on for both myself and Si finnigan who was a replacement for a replacement!
Spikey Mike gigs always bring out good acts and this would be no different, I had said in the car before a word was spoken I fancy Patrick Draper to win as he is sensational, but I also fancied Steve Goodall, James Billington or my 2 travel buddies Si and Daniel to do well. I was expecting to make 5 mins at the least and see how my new bits faired….. but my poor form continued as I went on 3rd in the 1st section and I failed to make it past 2 mins my worst gong show performance ever!!! I was getting laughs, my biggest came when I called one of the pub staff a snooker referee as he was wearing a bow tie and white shirt. But my pace was off, there was not a lot of love from the audience either, they groaned my tea bag line and although I could not see due to the glare I think all 5 judges went for red, another disaster and my confidence down in the gutter! Only 1 act from the 1st section made it through to the final, he went on just before me. He was a guy in his 60’s maybe? Sat on seat on stage and telling tales from a book like story time, actually very funny. Si Finnigan made it past 5 which is good up 1st at a Spikey Mike show, but he did not make the final.
As suspected Steve goodall was superb and Patrick Draper just a joy to watch but also Daniel Kennedy and Nick Parry doing great sets and a 19 year old lad who’s name I missed looked very good. There were a couple of 1st time giggers all doing well although one forgot his set and asked to be gonged so the audience kept him in it although he handled it very well.
At the final it boiled down to 2 guys, Steve and Patrick with Pat sneaking a close victory. I was trying not to sulk most of the rest of the night, I was still picking the bones out of where exactly I went wrong. I have decided as a result I am scrapping almost all of my current set, big cull of the cheap jokes, the hacky topics and the crap I have been spouting recently. I will keep some of it working it into a new re write but its only the odd joke I will keep, but I will also need to get  some confidence back, I will have a chance on Tuesday as I’m back in gong action in Nottingham again with a return to the Maze…. Hope I don’t get lost!

I also have my gig starting up this week, follow @jimbayes on twitter for updates

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