Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Shake but no fries gig64

Gong shows are a topic of debate amongst open mic comics, some hate them some love them some prefer not to do them some only do them, for me they are a great way to gig in front of a crowd as usually gong shows have better attendances than open mic nights.

In the past I have participated at Mr Bens with the intention of winning but tonight I just wanted to beat the gong as I was doing ‘new’ material. Now I know that as a comic who has only been gigging for just over 6 months all my material is new but this was the result of my breakdown the other week and some of my writing since then I had crafted into a set using an older narrative to bend the material round. Beating the gong would not be easy with my worry not being unfunny (it would help if people find it funny) but forgetting my material, and to make matters worse I arrived at the club to find I was going on 1st so no time to sit and allow it to sink in.

Opening tonight would be the wonderful Julie Jones and the insane Mark Hayden so at least I knew they would be warmed up, that and the fact that Sully O Sullivan was at the helm meant I would know what the level of the room would be as sully is excellent at finding that.

I sat on my own and desperately made last minute notes on a piece of paper and the back of my hand to help me through the set, another act was sat next to me but I barely acknowledged him as I nervously went through my set... I was shaking!!! Silly arse!! Why am i shaking?? What a dick!! was it because I havent eaten? what kind of excuse is that? I haven’t been this nervous since my 1st week of gigging, I was so self involved I barely looked away from my paper during Julie and Mark’s sets.... and now before I knew it, it was time!

Sully selected the card bearers, the audience members with the power to decide if my new stuff was shite. It was full and not all students so a good crowd to gig to, I have no idea why I was so worried about doing a new set..maybe the setbacks of a few weeks ago have me doubting myself more than usual or maybe i’m just over reacting and should man up!
I walked on to the stage when hearing my name, I had not seen where the cards went but I looked round and spotted 2 of them. I tried to keep an eye on the card bearers as I went through my set steadily. Whilst laughs were not aplenty they were fairly loud and I knew at grace I was doing ok which settled me into my stride a bit. My latter part I had performed already on 2 occasions so now it was not as new as the earlier part it was my 1st time ever performing (the 1st 3 mins all never before done) I beat the gong... I have no idea if any cards went up but I had done it and I was chuffed, especially as so many people I respect were there such as the HOWL guys and some of Pigeon Hole, these guys all young intelligent talented and I wanted to be on a par with them.
Following me on was Loz Whittaker who went about his set slowly building into better jokes, as with most acts straight after me I didn’t take it all in but even with an additional card holder added he went through uncarded, George Stride followed, i like George having seen him twice before and thinking he looks so natural for comedy. Tonight he did the same set but was a cut above. He was sharper, the set tighter, easily through the gong. Joseph Tarpey went next, he set himself up for a fall slightly with the way he tackled racism but I think it may have been the audience reaction that didn’t help, I would imagine there was better to come from him but tonight he was gonged. Our final act of section 1 had gone!! He just disappeared so an audience member who is also a magician came to the stage and performed in his place for a giggle, he ws not in the gong but did a lovely job.

Thom Milson opened the 2nd section, Thom is a finalist in the new act of the year competition for winning the gong show twice (my regular readers will realise that this also means I too am a finalist...Nov 26th be there support all the acts (not just me)) with this i mind Thom too was trying things out but he was never able to get his rhythm as there was talking then a drunk girl kicked over a bottle both on her way to and then from the bar. Thom of old may have let that bother him but Thom of today knows he is a quality act and was able to rise above it and beat the gong despite not being in full flow, I would not wish to sound condescending but Thom has really improved his self belief making him such a better act. Tash Rebuck followed, a London act and to use her words ‘token vagina’ she had an odd set but odd tho it was (yet more racism references) she nailed it, milking the fact she was different from the testosteroney previous acts. It was very enjoyable to watch and she seemed to be having fun which made it even better. Jacob Rawcliffe followed, its often tough to follow an act that has just done well but Jacob is the type of guy that can just handle things. He likes football but looks like he shouldn’t, kind of a walking antistereotype although that word does not exist and im not even sure what I mean by it! Jacob is definitely a very talented comic though, intelligent articulate and funny..very funny, and he casually nailed his set. Awesome! Dean Mavros was the penultimate act, i like Deans stuff, I like his thought process and I like his lack of fear. Dean has an aggressive persona on stage but warmth flows from the jokes making his punch lines stronger. He was comfortably through too leaving only one act to go.
Jon Newall..... I need not repeat past comments about Jons wonderful brain and writing, He was doing great tonight too but he was heckled by the same drunk girl who gave Thom a clinky accidental heckle. This was no accident! It was direct and when jon dealt with it she just fired again which threw him off and sadly he never recovered despite the subject of women in 50’s clothing being cleverly worked.

The winner was a joint effort from Jacob and Tash, both getting great cheers from the crowd at the clap off.

I had already had a great night and was back feeling good about my comedy when I got two boosts, one being Sully recommending me to a gig booker which is awesome and I’m hugely grateful and the other being the nice comments from  some of the other acts and from spectator on the night Mickey Sterret. It was nice to know i’m going in the right direction.

I’m happy with the night but under no illusions i’m anywhere near good enough or able to stop working as hard. Luckily I have another gig on Weds where I can work the new material as the baby Jupiter night returns under new stewardship and not connected with HOWL. Anthony Murray has taken control and i will be doing a closing 10. (this is not a headline or anything and my CV will not read ‘headlined baby jupiter’) i am looking forward to it nonetheless.

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