Thursday, 27 February 2014

No more circuit nice guys

I saw a post the other day on the Facebook comedy forum that was about the people in comedy who can be a little annoying shall we say, in the comments someone had asked he poster (jestfully if that's a word) to post something nice, the person who posted pointed out that they do post nice comments too but people are naturally more interested in the negatives. This prompted a comment lower in thread suggesting the circuit is unfriendly, it can be same as any industry and I often use these blogs to highlight things that I deem unfriendly, it does not mean I'm right I can easily misinterpret things same as anyone else can, one thing I don't think I do misinterpret is who the comedy nice guys are.

You see on the whole it's a very friendly and pleasant industry (wether or not comedy is an industry is another debate) and I as a new act have met some really great people. There have been times say in a green room where I have been ignored or the acts that all knew each other made no effort to talk to the new guy, or when I have travelled 4 hours to a gig where the local acts have influenced the running order so they go on early to get home and I don't get back til 4am, these all things that I would say are unfriendly however, I'm sure no one means to be a dick (well some do and that's because they are dicks) and actually if they realised they were coming across badly they would be horrified, in fact I may even have done something like this myself although I always try say hello to every act and give the really new ones time of day as I remember how relaxed I felt at my 1st gig when Daniel Kennedy made that same gesture for me.

The point of this blog post is to thank the comedy nice guys (I use the word guys on a non gender specific way sorry if that makes no sense)
So back to my 1st ever gig, It was March 5th 2012 at Mr Bens gong show, I'm 32 but my insecurities and shyness make me seem like a teenager meekly and nervously shuffling my way to the spare seat where the other acts are sat. No one spoke to me, that was until Dan Kennedy spotted me and introduced himself and just made a little effort to relax me, it was a huge gesture to me and as I have gone on to gig with Dan several times since I can confirm typical of his character. He is one of the good guys.

Another real comedy good guy from my Mr Bens visits is Sully O Sullivan, Sully was the regular MC and must have seen some utter shite on that stage yet always made every effort to be friendly with the acts especially the regular ones, Sully has every right to think himself as above people, he is a superb comedian it doesn't require me to say it, yet unlike one or two other talented acts he views everyone on the same level and is incredibly easy to talk to even for a shy person who finds it difficult to consider anyone would give a shit what he has to say !

While on the subject of nice guy pro acts Pat Monahan has time for everyone, Naz Osmanaglu (I hope that is spelt correctly) similarly makes time for everyone and Jason Simmonds took time out to come pick me up from Clapham station once for a horrible gig in Barking, he then dropped me back at Victoria bus station and as he was paid and I wasn't he refused to take fuel money all while offering me encouragement and advice. Other pro acts that have to be up there are Janice Connelly who some may remember as Holy Mary from Phoenix nights or may know better as Barbra Nice, and she is more than nice, she is lovely. I would also like to mention  Karen Bayley, Steve Jameson aka Sol Bernstien, Kai Humphries, Damion Larkin, Mark Felgate and Micky Sharma all who I have gigged with just once and left an impression on me of how nice they are, the sort of people who just ooze friendly, approachable niceness!

Acts that I see regularly who are alway full of good words and seldom complain are Ross Brierely, Dave Rivers, Jo D'Arcy and Pete Foulkes. These are just nice people and it's a pleasure knowing them, there are zillions of others but these guys are just very easy to get on with and are often selfless.

There are promoters too who I find can be just as easy to get on with, Andrew and Paul nightingale at Can Comedy have always been really great guys, Jools at last laugh not only very nice guy but also full of genuine useful and constructive advice. J Musa and Steve Starkie at world of
Comedy also really really friendly guys and Paul Haslam and Mike Taylor also in my experience are good guys. I think the nicest guy of all and a but of an unsung hero is Kenny Mills at Tyldsley, an absolute gent and I doubt anyone had a bad word to say about the guy.

There are loads of others and too many for me to mention including people who don't perform or book gigs such as Mick the Photo Guy Appy Man! So every time you have an experience with someone being a dick or see a whiny, sarcastic or twatty social media post just remember there are 500 really nice people for that one nob! Oh and before you kick off with said nob or dismiss them as a waste of time (as I have in the past) try see things from their point of view, everyone who is being a bit of a dick is doing so for a reason, the reason may be that they are frustrated, insecure, uneducated or just having a bad day, so before rising to it, rise above it and try get on with everyone if you can because it's much more fun that way :)

Right I'm off to Troll on twitter, thanks for reading, spread some happy :)

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