Thursday, 6 March 2014

Postcode lottery

Is there a postcode bias in comedy? Does where you live have any baring on your chances of winning a national competition or even being considered for a gig? Is it just a coincidence that people who don't live in certain areas miss out on gigs?

There has been some changes to a national competition that has meant that if you live in the North or somewhere like Cornwall then you have little opportunity to enter. This is possibly seen as practical for the event organisers, however, this is a national competition so surely more effort should be made to ensure acts from all over the country can enter at minimal cost because let's face it this is a very expensive hobby.

It's not just competitions that seem to have a postcode bias, I live in Leeds and struggle to get on line ups 1 hour drive over the Pennines due to te wealth of talent in the Manchester area. The problem seems to be that with all these quality acts on their doorstep, North west promoters seem reluctant to take a chance on acts from outside the area. I can't blame them but it's so frustrating although not all promoters are like this as I have had a booking from Urban Comedy, Concept comedy & Colin Manford recently as well as radio fall out Bolton and the Queens in Tyldsley but these are few and I would like the opportunity for more.

In the North east there has been a similar situation, that said I have had more gigs in the North East which is an extra hours drive on top of how long it takes to get to the Manchester area.

I guess I should be grateful for the nights that run in Leeds, it seems though that even they favour Manchester based acts with the 2 main nights in Leeds having Manchester acts on ALL of their line ups that I have seen.

What's it like in the Midlands? Well I struggle to make any impact in the Nottingham, Derby or Leicester area but I have had plenty of joy in the West Midlands possibly helped by the fact I have family in Tamworth and I'm therefore in the area frequently.

London has it's own separate scene it seems but I can't be sure if obtaining gigs there is difficult it seems not. I can be sure that being based in London seems to have an affect on your ability to win major honours. Comedians from or based in London also seem to reach major finals with northern acts seemingly overlooked.

Maybe this is just how it seems and I'm looking too much into it, or maybe with getting gigs I'm actually not of the standard I need to be, or maybe there is something in where you live that can help or hinder you. Where would be the best place in the UK for an act to live to be able to benefit the most? Also is booking local acts only taking out the risk of lateness, traffic (I recently had a car issue of my own) or acts simply not turning up which of course would be really problematic for promoters.
Maybe running competitions in certain areas just means that these competitions will thrive. Will have better sponsorship deals or be more likely to survive meaning comedy will prosper for everyone.

Maybe being based in London makes you a better act as you have much competition and shorter sets yet more gigs so can refine your stuff easier, not to mention that you may have pros turn up regularly who you could learn from.

Living in a certain area should not have an impact if you are willing to work hard enough, travel far enough and take the criticisms on board as much as you do the knock backs on the chin, performing comedy is all any of us want to do and I don't begrudge acts from anywhere their success I just hope that being based where I am doesn't hinder me however talented the Manchester, North East, West Midlands or any other areas acts are. I guess that's just up to me and nothing else

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