Monday, 1 February 2016

Being bored

I read a thing today, the fact I read it all without becoming distracted by a cat surfing or someone getting overly excited about deadpool (I had to google deadpool too) may take away some of the strength of what I am about to say but still I feel it's worth mentioning.

The thing was about how people need to get their faces out of their phones or tablets and go back to being bored now and then!!

Yeah... Really... That's an actual suggestion made by an actual journalist. Missing being bored is like missing standing on a upturned plug, no one has said, remember that feeling, I'd love another slice of that. 

At no point in history has someone said they would much rather not have access to a means to contact people on the other side of the world, or the ability to see photos taken from space, or instantly find a fact that resolves an argument.

I can't remember ever hearing anyone complain that they can watch all kinds of movies in various languages made by all levels of filmmaker and not just the big ones marketed at us with ambiguous billboards (fuck you deadpool) or read almost every book... Or even better listen to a audio recording or many of them to avoid being distracted by a surfing cat or fucking deadpool fans!!

The idea that our phones or tablets are turning us into dumbed down zombies is bollocks (oh the irony that I couldn't put that more eloquently), these devices provide us with so much information, so many ways to learn and better ourselves... I've never known so much about my own body, how our food is sourced why fruit is pretty much as bad as chocolate bars (it's still better to eat fruit but oh lordy that sugar content, time to tell the apple to get fucked) 
Apples are out but I'm ok with grapes...

These smart phones and tablets may be made by corporate money making machines (another Apple that can fuck off) and may be hideously overpriced on certain brands but they make our lives better, much like cars do although unlike cars I don't think 12 people a day are killed and hundreds injured by phones and tablets... That said, there almost certainly should be a rule against operating one while drunk.

To give the article some credit it was referring to the people who waste time on Facebook just perusing, which I agree... I'm so sick of Facebook (but annoyingly need it) I'd sooner repeatedly beat my testicles with a spoon than log in these days (OK as mentioned I kinda need it and also I've hidden my spoons & the lads are safe) 

The people who are dumbed down by having a smart device would be dumbed down anyway, they are people who take the easy option and hu rite fings in da simplist wey dat dey can cz dey ain't lerned not2 .
Those that use devices to learn and grow would learn and grow anyway too but to have all this information is wonderful..... Or do I really believe that?

Well actually... No... Because the smug twats have too much information  in their soft, never done a days graft, fairy liquid hands and can't stop wanking on at everyone about how right they are and how fucking wrong everyone else is!!

I think it's actually time to switch off the internet, organise a weekly wrestle, bully the loser a bit and then think about what we have learned while arguing that a tomato is a fruit without means to prove it.

I wonder how well we would get on as a species now if the electricity and Internet just went all shergar on us and vanished. It would amuse me greatly if Bear Ghryls , Grhyls? Grills? Fuck it Ray Mears... Was the 1st to start panicking!! Running down the street smeared in shit yelling it's all a lie I had access to wickepedia and a kettle the whole time!!

I think I should try giving up the tinterweb for a week, see how far I get... I'd have to delegate someone the job of keeping up with the comedy forums to keep my gigs ticking over mind (yeah because I'm flat out busy!! *sobs)

I may just try this.. I may as soon as I've finished this blog go straight back to my YouTube documentary on the Sasquatch I was watching (for research!) one things for certain, Im not going to be bored.

J x

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