Monday, 28 March 2016

I'm sorry for any offence I may have caused

I've been going over all the shit I've written for Edinburgh, and there's a lot of shit... Like all the elephant shit you could think of x 3 with added horse shit cherry toppings. 

I wanted to say whale shit, whales are huge, they must have huge poo... Maybe it's where fish paste comes from but I digress.

I've written a lot, my narrative has changed dramatically, the original show that went to Hull and Leicester comedy festivals focussed on my depression and how I fought it off, I've wound up with a more misanthropic observational thing now.

It's going to need changing but I've looked over some of the jokes... Ok ok both of the jokes. 

The opening thing about my darkest night, a night where I genuinely considered dying, well it takes away some of the light and fluffy that comedy probably should be.

I'm ok by the way, in case that's what you're taking from this!
At Hull and Leicester I pretty much opened with, "this time last year I was in a dark place  mentally, I wasn't locked in a cupboard, it got so bad one night I decided to end it all, now I sense there's a little tension in the room but don't worry, there's a very good chance I survived"

I now open by talking about racing a pigeon! 

I'm not sure why but I listened when people said you shouldn't joke about certain things and suicide is one but I did.

I actually believe you can joke about anything, a joke done right can have any subject.... Any! Cancer, rape, mental health, you can make jokes that include these things if you do it right... Yes people can be sensitive but words exist and to be totally sheltered from things because they offend you is creating aworld for yourself that is unrealistic.

I'm not saying laugh at the the rape victim, or suggest it's a good idea that celeb you don't like gets cancer... These things are horrible.. But tell your jokes and use the subjects that work for these jokes because if the world can't use humour to escape from or make sense of itself then it becomes stuck in a bubble from which the ability to function in a rational sense becomes more difficult.

I saw an act do 3 or 4 jokes where upon which fire victims, amputees and women were the butt of the joke, a guy in the front row wetting himself laughing stopped suddenly when the 5th joke was about Parkinson's.... He confronted the act and gave him a bit of grief about being offensive, that was his emotional reaction to hearing a joke about an ilness his dad has, an amputee or fire victim may have thought differently about which joke was offensive and everyone should have kicked off about the sexist joke not because sexism shouldn't be joked about but because it was an ignorant and lazy joke, the type lots of new acts usually learn to ditch within a year anyway.

7 billion of us aren't going to all agree on what's funny and what's right, but we should all be able to agree that other people will have different opinions and ideas and that the emotional reaction to being offended creates an instant feeling that usually a few hours later is gone.

One of the things I hate, I can't stand it, it's when someone apologises for any offence they may have caused when their intention was not to offend... You're just apologising because of someone's emotional and subjective response to something you said or did. I'm sorry for any offence I may have caused is basically, I'm sorry you're upset about what I said.

Sure it's polite to apologise but if we can't all be grown up and consider that someone's way of expressing themselves; may not be to your liking but; you taking an aggressive approach to telling them about it isn't to theirs, yet you force it upon them anyway... Well you're as much the problem!

One thing I will say when closing this is if you are using these words I've typed as a way to justify saying something offensive for the sake of saying then you are too dumb to do comedy go take up karaoke perhaps, because a really great joke comes from a place of intelligence and understanding every meaning and use of the words in the joke and how their placement in said joke makes it funny not offensive... Although some people will never be bright enough to get them anyway!

J x

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Remain open spots forever

Wow there's a lot of comedians, loooots of comedians... I think there's about a gazillion comedians, if not there's more, maybe a gazillion and 6.

Some of them will remain open spots for ever and ever, the reasons are varied, maybe they have a dayjob that's holding them back or they secretly fear not having the security of a day job so won't kick on.
Maybe they just want to do this comedy lark for a hobby or they can't travel or they have a family.... Or maybe they are just shite! There's a few who are shite, thankfully for them they are blissfully unaware of how shite they are.

There are a bazillion acts who are good enough to kick on and be fully pro acts but aren't because of the gazillion who went before. It can be annoying, I saw a pro act recently, best paid act on the bill, he was headlining, same set he did 29 million years ago (well ok 10)

Dude just phoned it in, twas good enough for the audience of course but it really proves the point that quality isn't all that's needed in an act. Reliability is key, comedians are like cars, bookers sometimes want the impressive fancy pants Ferrari but really what most what is that trustworthy Volvo. 

I went pro comic in Jan that as well as doing every open spot that seems worthy and whoring myself out to radio stations, podcasters and magazines.

The pro act thing though, yeah, I can say that because I have enough work coming in to not need a dayjob but I imagine some people scoffing... I have been letting what the tothers think of me slow me down, that's been the thing keeping me in open spot land! 

Radio stuff, or shit where's wally?

Fact is just about every other act is like me, they all think they are good enough to deliver but really believe they are shite.
Their opinions about me are not my concern nor are my opinions about others theirs, so that's that dealt with.

I am of course not pro act in the sense of  all the big weekend clubs booking me over and over again, doesn't happen.

I've barely bothered them, why would I want xs malarkey, Manfords (although I have bothered them a little to be fair)
Komedia, comedy store, the comedy club ltd or other big players to be hooking me now when I'm just another guy telling jokes, nope I'm doing as much comedy for as many bookers as I can remaining as much under the radar as is workable so when I pop up an the radar of these guys (hopefully next year) they wonder where the fook I came from and why they haven't been booking me already.

This next few months I think it's fair to say I will be doing pretty much any and every gig thrown my way as I genuinely believe in myself for the 1st time in 4 years.

I got something to give comedy, I'm going to bleedin give it before I get all elderly or dead!

J x

Sunday, 13 March 2016

I'm well funny

So... It was brought to my attention that I don't seem to give myself any love in this word vomit of my comedy experiences. 

After my post about perception it was pointed out that maybe this doesn't help (I really don't think any key comedy gate keepers read this but maybe some promoters do I guess so for you guys and girls... I'm well funny) 

Im aware there are acts maybe earning less than me perhaps creating the persona of a pro comic while I still beaver away considering myself a newb.... Although based on what I get I consider myself close enough to a pro act to not be chasing down a new day job... A sort of pro that not many of the big clubs book yet!! 

Although I've not really tried because when I show up on their radar I want to be so polished they see a solid act not a developing one... It's a marathon not a snickers this comedy lark.

Me being hilarious earlier this year.

I maybe don't give myself enough love... I think there's a strong right arm suggesting I have done historically and there in that alone is my reason, a cheap wanking joke... So I don't want to be the cheap wank joke act... But then I gig with a pro act who phones it in and delivers jokes they were doing 12 years ago and think.. While I'm trying to build a person that act is tearing the roof off, bookers are happy with the reliability and professionalism of said act, it's maybe tough.

Then there are alternative nights but they don't book me because I have a crowd pleaser style at the moment which I stand by, almost the kind of thing I'm bemoaning but that's the next thing on my agenda... 

So what if other acts are doing stuff
You or I don't agree with or like, so what if they are talking about a subject you think is hack... I need to worry about one act and one act only and that is me... Improve me as much as possible.

Seeing acts doing well and feeling bitter is a thing that pops up in car shares or green room natter too... I'm one for it now and then but that's going to have to stop (to be fair I'm only bitter about the ones that have been dicks to me)
Why be bitter, just be happy (not through gritted teeth) for other acts... A great night of comedy was like the one I MCd (to perfection!) on Sunday where all 4 acts went down a storm... It's great to have nights like that and all 50 of those punters will be back at comedy for certain. 

Let me try make a point... Leicster city in the back ground and a back and forth about my Edinburgh jaunt have maybe made me meander through this post without getting to one but then again I seldom do! 

I think, for what it's worth, I'm quite good... I'm absolutely not where I want to be and my writing is slowly getting there but I WILL make audiences laugh and I have enough of a non offensive demeanour to not have to try too hard to get people to like me (unless there's a gong!!)

I am funny though!! On purpose, yes I'm terrified that someone is going to tell me they have found me out and my comedy is just a pathetic attempt to be liked (it kinda is!!) but I know I can do a job so this is the nice to myself blog and stop worrying about others.

I've won stuff!! Sure Funny Scunny isn't the big award we all need to know about or 2013 Yorkshire new act of the year isn't particularly national but it's hard for a straight white male in this game... *acts I've he believes that

I am pleased to say in closing that I'm not totally down on myself I just have a lot more hard work to do, but I bloody love it.

Now before I bugger off please allow me to include this link to my podcast in case you fancy a listen to me waffling rather than just read it... It's about mysteries and stuff.... There's some funny bits.
The Jim Bayes Show by Jim Bayes

Monday, 7 March 2016

Obviously promoters are wrong

Well another week that feels like longer, I've been busy, busy being productive... Kind of, I mean I wrote down a list of things I should do, and lists of ways to go about doing the things I should do and lists of things to help me with the ways I should go about the things I should do... But I still haven't done the things.

I've managed to get a load of gig applications in though, that's useful... I could just sit at home and wait to be offered gigs I guess but then I'd not be too busy.

I'm on form at the moment, form is useful because the dogshit that I'm currently peddling I know is funny and therefore I'm able to sell it quite well despite it being without the full depth and meaning that I hope to spout sooner rather than later, of course skills are needed and unlike jokes, skills can't be nabbed from Twitter, I think? If they can then the Internet is scarier than I thought.

But applications have not been as straight forward as my confidence in current form would suggest, obviously promoters are wrong!! Well that's what I tell myself when I don't get booked. Since becoming a comedian this is the 1st time the money I earn from comedy vastly outweighs the money I earn elsewhere and my diary despite some f the frustrations is fuller than Donald Trumps hatemail bin.

But perception is maybe holding me back? I am not moulding myself into this image of precessional comic that everyone should book so despite many recent good performances a couple closing and a couple opening, not my usual paid spot of MC... Well some promoters won't touch me.

Is it because the guys in the north have seen me be shite... I mean it wasn't hard seeing me be shite, you just had to turn up at any one of my gigs and there I was being shite!!

But I'm not shite anymore (this is my own opinion fuck off!) and yet some guys won't book me for a middle spot in Manchester for £30, a trial spot in Liverpool for nowt, an MC spot at a new act night in Barnsley (these are not genuine, just examples of some of the type of gig and location I can't get anywhere with)

Yet in the south and Midlands where they haven't seen me be shite I'm getting £REDACTED (but decent quids) worth of work each month, I have agents enquiring about me (not sure of the point of they are based in Eastbourne or Bristol)
I'm booked to close, I'm booked to open, I'm considered one of the stronger acts of the newbies.... And I allow that/ sell myself that way a bit more.

Maybe I just need to sell myself a bit more nearer to home and change the perception of me that one or two people have... Or maybe I should just be funnier?

J x