I've managed to get a load of gig applications in though, that's useful... I could just sit at home and wait to be offered gigs I guess but then I'd not be too busy.
I'm on form at the moment, form is useful because the dogshit that I'm currently peddling I know is funny and therefore I'm able to sell it quite well despite it being without the full depth and meaning that I hope to spout sooner rather than later, of course skills are needed and unlike jokes, skills can't be nabbed from Twitter, I think? If they can then the Internet is scarier than I thought.
But applications have not been as straight forward as my confidence in current form would suggest, obviously promoters are wrong!! Well that's what I tell myself when I don't get booked. Since becoming a comedian this is the 1st time the money I earn from comedy vastly outweighs the money I earn elsewhere and my diary despite some f the frustrations is fuller than Donald Trumps hatemail bin.
But perception is maybe holding me back? I am not moulding myself into this image of precessional comic that everyone should book so despite many recent good performances a couple closing and a couple opening, not my usual paid spot of MC... Well some promoters won't touch me.
Is it because the guys in the north have seen me be shite... I mean it wasn't hard seeing me be shite, you just had to turn up at any one of my gigs and there I was being shite!!
But I'm not shite anymore (this is my own opinion fuck off!) and yet some guys won't book me for a middle spot in Manchester for £30, a trial spot in Liverpool for nowt, an MC spot at a new act night in Barnsley (these are not genuine, just examples of some of the type of gig and location I can't get anywhere with)
Yet in the south and Midlands where they haven't seen me be shite I'm getting £REDACTED (but decent quids) worth of work each month, I have agents enquiring about me (not sure of the point of they are based in Eastbourne or Bristol)
I'm booked to close, I'm booked to open, I'm considered one of the stronger acts of the newbies.... And I allow that/ sell myself that way a bit more.
Maybe I just need to sell myself a bit more nearer to home and change the perception of me that one or two people have... Or maybe I should just be funnier?
J x
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