Monday, 11 January 2016

I can only apologise

I was just sitting at home the other day minding my own business when a massive bandwagon rolled past.

It was the comedy podcast bandwagon and I hopped right on board, swiftly realising podcasting takes a lot more effort than just talking at microphone.

My 1st attempt was okish, until I went to edit it and heard the sound of my own voice.... Fuuuuck!! I sound like someone has stuffed socks in the mouth of the spotty kid from Simpsons and asked him to talk bollocks!!

I can only apologise to anyone who has had a conversation with me, that must be irritating, it's astonishing I have any friends!!

Now I know everyone feels that way about their own voice (apart from piers Morgan maybe) but does everyone yell at recordings of themselves to SHUT UP YOU FUCKTARD!

I just spew utter utter nonesense! And the sooner I stop this behaviour the better!

That said I am quite enjoying the podcasting with 2 podcasts running at the present, one based on sports betting and the other somewhat narcissistic all named the Jim Bayes show is based on mysteries at the moment with a series of things such as Lord Lucan and Bigfoot both recorded already and crop circles, the Roswell incident and the Black Dhalia to follow.

I'll have guests along to discuss the subjects in question and let's see where this next attempt to forge some kind of career from comedy takes me.

There's a lot of other acts on this bandwagon and some of them are doing a bloody great job (I particularly liked Lee Kyle's 21 questions)

Thing is, it's all just part of a journey (yes I called comedy a journey what of it?) that will either end with the glory of headlining at the dog and moose in kirkdale on middleoffuckingnowhereville with 6 open spots for company and a grand fee of £125 when it cost £90 in fuel to get there, or some awful failure!!

Either way, 2016 has started, I've not gigged yet and I still bloody love stand up comedy.

J x

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