There's dry January going on at the moment, because nothing quite says healthy like having one month in 11 off something!!
If you're going to do something then great set about doing it in Jan but don't do it just for Jan, a short term goal is great but aim higher.
I've been aiming higher for a while now, mainly because I'm sick of getting piss on my shoes but we all have to have our mini goals!

I have been aiming higher as an act too, but not been putting in the hard yards properly, which is an all too common mistake. Working hard on something needs an element of mental toughness, which is useful as I've been described as both tough and mental in the past however offensive that may be to those with actual mental challenges!
It also needs strategic thinking, goal setting & hugely important accountability setting. Accountability is the thing I'll talk about here, as a stand up who writes countless notes on my phone that I think are hilarious only to do the square route of naff all with.
They don't even make sense now, I read through utterly be used as to what my poor excuse of a brain was doing!
here's an example
I wouldn't bat an aye lid cos it's above an eye and my bat is heavy
Local campaign
Knives are for cowards.... say the government that drops bombs
Killing a bear might be impressive but koalas aren't impressed... Yeah!! WTF???
Accountability required to get these ramblings written into jokes and keep evolving.
Said accountability could come from a group of fellow acts, 2 or 3 is sufficient but more if needed. Organise to get together once a week, once a fortnight, whatever works best... And write the shit out of my comedy. Just go to costa, pay way too much for a coffee that will be cold before you finish it, maybe bounce ideas off each other but just write.
Be each other's accountability buddies, so one week we maybe can't be bothered but at least one accountability buddy kicks arse and we go do it, sure no one can force anyone because we are grown ups and we can be bellends but hey if you're accountable to other people then maybe the things you're trying to do might just last beyond one month.
All that said, it remains to be seen if I'm going to improve at all no matter how many times I may be beaten around the head with the funny stick but hey, at least I will have lots of distinctly average stuff rather than just some distinctly average stuff.
Happy new year by the way!!
J x
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