Monday, 25 April 2016

Beacon of success

Been a bit stressed this week! You'd think having a job that means I can stay in bed past midday and spend all of Monday catching up on the weekends sport would be easier but now I rely on the funnies for the monies it mean sending 8 zillion emails a day.

When sending an email to a promoter I try and be as polite in my terminology as possible as well a remaining light hearted, yknow because comedy n stuff!!

But I also have to be self aggrandising or at the very least sell myself a bit... How's that supposed to work when I feel like all
I'm really doing is winging it and at any moment I'm going to be found out and ordered to return to a normal job and stop putting comedian on my Facebook profile (if you work for Aviva insurance I'm still an Entrepreneur running a writing and entertainment business!!!)

Thing is, every bugger is winging it... Pretty much everyone halfway to a gig thinks what the fook am I doing? 
Everyone is dealing with the fact that all we are doing is talking at a room full of strangers for 20 minutes so we can have food instead of turning up at the office Monday to Friday.

I thought for so long I was the only one just flapping about in the comedy pool while everyone else has their set plan and steadily climbs up that ladder that really doesn't exist.

Imagine my shock when I found out there were people seeing my progress and the steady evolution of my writing (yeah it's very steady!) as some kind of beacon of success.

Someone even said they look up to me and can't believe it to be long before I'm huge (although that may have been reference to my eating habits as they steadily get worse since turning veggie!)

They think they are winging it and I'm following a set path climbing the comedy ladder that doesn't really exist.

So I was chatting about this to an act I look up to, who's been going yonks, done tv work, headlines across the country and I told him I was winging it when people seem to think I'm going somewhere and tickle my tits till Tuesday he's only bloody winging it too!!

Yet somehow he's climbing that comedy ladder that maybe exists.

Makes me wonder if those involved with writing the bible were just winging it, like they had no real idea what they were doing but just started writing down stories terrified they were going to get found out and could not believe it when the masses were taking it in and buying every word even the bits where there were talking bushes and 5000 people rocking up to a bbq (to only get a bit of fish and bread!!) at a time when Facebook event invites weren't a thing!

All of a sudden they are climbing the biblical ladder that is definitely real.

I think it's ok to wing it, just keep winging it until you're looking back on a career you can't believe you got away with and tell yourself whatever you want because you almost certainly deserved your career no matter what you did.

J x

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