Monday, 4 April 2016

We all know I hate those

It's been a busy few weeks on the ol gig front, my early blogs used to be warts and all gig reviews but reviewing myself isn't really fair or perhaps it's not unfair but it's not objective. That said I am hilarious... So much so that when compering once my mum kindly said after "it's ok you're not meant to be the funny one are you" .

I won't return to self reviewing but I will say I've had a good week, momentum is helpful (although I still don't have a gig this Friday.... Bookers??)
Tuesday was a trip to Alfreton, I was again booked to MC as FaF one of the bookers that see me as a reliable and capable MC because that's what I keep telling them I am!!! (which is great but I've been pigeon holed a wee bit as a result by a handful of bookers in fairness... I can do 20's too!!!)

Weds I filled in last min for an act who was ill as an open 10 and got myself booked for 2 more gigs as a result and then Friday... Well that was not so good, the Easter hols causing the gig to have poor/ no real audience, to be fair the 2 guys that stuck it out til the end werereal connoisseurs of comedy so much so they were able to identify an act they weren't listening to was shit!! Good work

Saturday was a trip to lovely Blackpool for a most enjoyable 20 and as luck would have it I'll be returning there a couple of times before the year is out all being well too.

So floating highly on a waft of delusional self belief I email a couple of bookers I'm not working for and speculatively apply for a gig, happy to still do open spots because how the fuckedy boo will I get seen if I don't take a chance working for nowt... Although some bookers remove the urine, one in particular told me after I was paid £20 to MC (life changing!!) that I overran (by 1 minute and that was to deal with a heckler that piped up just as I was getting an act to the stage) that I could not apply for more paid work yet but I could do another gong show!!! 

I know... Lols!!

But I am happy to do open spots still despite changing the way I'm perceived (pro act now innit) given that I'm now gigging pretty much all weekend every weekend (still not this Friday btw... Don't think I've mentioned, Leeds bookers? I'm not saying all 800 of my mates will come but a lot will!!)

The response however to one of my applications for work was quite interesting, I was told I have been seen before (discovered it was back in 2012) and the Booker needs to be sure I'm not racist or sexist!

Now, I've never been either... I'm narcissist but there's no mention of race in my stuff at all and my story about a big girl named Julie is a reversal of the idea that being laddy is the best approach.

This was 2012 I was very new and used to gig in a flat cap and tweed jacket to ham up the Yorkshire as well as to hide behind it a bit. I'd have had a whippet too but the only one I could get was black and female and we all know I hate those bitches.

Needless to say I was offended (oh the irony) by this rejection but responded to thank the Booker for at least responding and of course politely confirm I'm not either of the 1st 2 ists!

A somewhat chubbier flat cap and tweed wearing 2012 me!

In fact what then happened was a nice email exchange in which I was invited to send a clip I film this week for future reference and the Booker telling me my attitude was refreshing.

You see no one likes being told they aren't wanted, they aren't good enough or they aren't the right fit.... And no one at all wants to be incorrectly called racist or sexist... Homophobic I have no issues with (calm down fucknuckle it's a joke)

It seems that taking these things personally however would have been a shot in the foot and understanding it's not personal and just continuing to plug away is currently my best friend... Both the above mentioned Bookers will be paying me to perform at their clubs soon and despite my apparent stubbornness some of the advice offered by them both (swear less ((what a cunt)) and don't overrun ((this blog is longer than usual)) are always worth taking on board even if I don't run with the advice.

It basically pays to listen to what's being said to you when someone gives reason not to book you, it's never personal and there are ways to change their mind so you know, don't take rejection so bad, you'll be grand

J x

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